You’re Invited to attend our Summer Professional Development Series: Foundational Blocks of Math, Reading, and Family Engagement
This event is totally free and has two sets of dates to choose from: July 27-29 or August 3-5. The July and August series are repeat sessions, to best fit your schedule.
The theme of our summer series is the Foundational Blocks of Math, Reading, and Family Engagement. After an entire year of interrupted learning due to the pandemic, afterschool programs serve as a critical role in academic recovery. Math and Reading are the most foundational blocks of learning and student achievement is never truly successful without taking a whole-child approach. That’s why working closely with families as partners is crucial. However, after a year of disconnection, family engagement is more challenging than ever. VPOST seeks to provide out-of-school time educators with the skills they need to get our children back to a firm foundation for success.
About the Events
Time: 9:00-11:00 AM, daily
July 27th or August 3rd
Topic: Reading
Workshop Description
How to use read-alouds and book clubs to engage your students in meaningful literacy learning.
Join the Gus Bus as they walk you through implementing literacy groups for all ages that honor student choice and need. This workshop will give special attention to the benefits of read alouds, a practice that often gets deprioritized in traditional school settings, and tools for engaging with English Language Learners.
July 28th or August 4th
Topic: Math
NBA Math Hoops: Creating the Next Math Champion!
NBA Math Hoops leverages the game of basketball and the NBA/WNBA to engage students with math and social-emotional learning skills through a digital board game, curriculum, mobile app, and community program. All resources for the program are completely free of cost for educators. Participants will leave this presentation with all tools necessary to immediately begin the program with their students.
July 29th or August 5th
Topic: Family Engagement
Just breathe: Engaging Stressed-Out Parents through Mindfulness
Learn to build your own mindfulness toolkit complete with wellness strategies and resources to navigate unprecedented times and challenges. According to research, mindful practices enhance our interactions with others, including our own families and the families that we serve. Participants will discuss the impact of toxic stress on the brain and they will further explore the importance of self-care and trauma responsive practices to improve overall wellbeing. An emphasis will be placed on discussing racism, poverty, and historical trauma as they relate to public health.