VPOST, the Virginia Partnership for Out-of-School-Time, is a statewide public-private partnership dedicated to developing and expanding academic, social, emotional, and physical supports and services to school-age children and youth across the Commonwealth of Virginia during out-of-school time hours:
before-school, afterschool, vacation periods, and summer!
Our Vision
All Virginia families are thriving in the workplace and community.
Our Mission
Building a network of out-of-school time providers to improve quality, promote leadership, and ensure access to OST in Virginia.
STEM at the Library
Year of OST Quality
$5 Million for OST
VPOST initiated a community of practice aimed at equipping OST educators – particularly librarians, who serve as vital community educators – with the professional development and resources they need to feel confident in their abilities to lead STEM programs.
VPOST is unveiling a new Community of Practice, A Year of OST Quality designed to guide afterschool educators on the Quality Standards for Virginia Out-of-School Time Programs. Learn more about this coalition and how to apply by clicking the link below!
Visit our What’s Happening page to find out we’ve got going on around Virginia! Read more about our latest accomplishment: The Virginia General Assembly has included funds for OST programs for the first time in our state’s history! Learn more below!