Since 2004, America After 3PM, from Afterschool Alliance, has provided a snapshot into the state and circumstances of children in the after-school hours. Based on survey responses (pre-pandemic) from more than 30,000 American households, including 731 in-depth interviews in Virginia, the newly released data from America After 3PM 2020 tells us that unmet demand for afterschool programs is at an all time high. Parent and caregiver approval for programs continues to rise as a result of the many benefits for their children but cost and access block participation pointing to a lack of affordable programs.

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Explore the Virginia and Greater Richmond Dashboard at Afterschool Alliance

Unmet Demand in Virginia

Here in Virginia, America After 3PM found that for every child in an afterschool program, 4 are waiting to get in, with 602,302 Virginia students without the afterschool programs their parents say they need today. In fact, unmet demand for afterschool programs has gone from 29% in 2004 to 51% in 2020. It finds that 12% of Virginia students, 161,235 children and youth are enrolled in afterschool programs, down from 15% in 2014, when the survey was last conducted.

Dive Deeper by Topic

Virginia Parents Support Afterschool

For families fortunate enough to have their children enrolled in programs, support is overwhelmingly positive.
