At VPOST, we recognized the pivotal role STEM plays in out-of-school time (OST) learning experiences for children and youth. These programs provide a valuable space for children to deep dive into niche interests and develop new passions.
A key challenge in OST settings is that many educators are not traditional STEM instructors. To bridge this gap, we initiated a community of practice aimed at equipping educators – particularly librarians, who serve as vital community educators – with the professional development and resources they need. Libraries, accessible to all members of the community, offer a welcoming environment for hands-on STEM learning, ensuring equitable access to these opportunities for K-12 children, youth, and families.
Project Goals
STEM FLUENCY: to build STEM fluency and competency among library staff within the counties served by the Coastal Virginia STEM Ecosystem. This includes STEM awareness, literacy, and skill development.
CAREER-FOUCSED: to implement career-focused STEM programming that aligns “pre-K to gray” STEM programming to STEM careers.
COLLABORATIVE COMMUNITY: to foster an inclusive collaborative community with diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) as a focus.
Supporting Partners
By supporting STEM learning in OST programs, we are not only sparking curiosity and innovation but also preparing the next generation of the workforce. Exposure to STEM fields equips young people with critical thinking, problem-solving, and collaboration skills essential for success in the rapidly evolving job market. Through this initiative, VPOST is building a stronger STEM learning ecosystem that inspires future leaders and innovators. Read more in our Final Report.